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 International Post-Secondary Students from Malta


The Students’ Maintenance Grants' Unit accepts applications for Stipends and Grants by students from Malta joining International Post-Secondary Education. These applications should be processed through the normal channels, including submission of the online application and due approval by the Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation.


The provision of the Subsidiary Legislation 605.06 regarding eligibility of students for Students’ Maintenance Grants still apply.

The application for stipends and grants is available through the following link:  New students must follow the detailed online instructions on how to apply.

A consent form is required for students under 16 years of age.  This consent form is to be uploaded to the online application.  Template of the said consent form can be accessed through this link:


Applicants are required to input details regarding their course of studies.  From the relative drop-down list, students are to indicate whether they are Commencing their course of studies or whether they are being Promoted in their course.  They should also indicate  the Course Year, for example; Year 1 or Year 2.   They should select United World College/ Foreign Post-Secondary Institutions in the Institute/School drop-down, and International Baccalaureate /European Baccalaureate in the Course drop-down.

Together with a scan of the 
School-Leaving Certificate and Profiling, students study in Foreign Post-Secondary Institutions should also scan and upload a document confirming their acceptance / attendance at the relative institution and a scanned copy of their tuition fees receipt.


No processing of online applications will take place after the 30th June 2024.








Published on 30 September 2023​